Directed by Kyle Brand By Janet Yates Vogt and Mark Friedman
"Kyle Brand's direction is quite effective and he is able to balance the heightened emotions of Ms. Clooney's sessions with the fun and joyful musical numbers... all taking place in a well-planned office setting."
A loving re-creation of 20 or so of Rosemary Clooney’s popular songs and a fresh, remarkably personal, and poignant picture of the woman whose unparalleled talent and unbridled personality made her a legend. With her signature songs woven in and out, we learn both the story of her successes on film, radio, and TV, as well as her struggles in her personal life. It features many of Mrs. Clooney’s signature hits, including “Hey There (You with the Stars in your Eyes),” “Tenderly,” and “Come On-A My House.” It is as moving as it is entertaining. Susan Haefner, who originated the title role will be starring as Rosemary Clooney.